News and Spotlights

History professor María Bárbara Zepeda Cortés examines the life of José de Gálvez and why he was erased from the history books

A case of mistaken identity, documents overlooked for centuries and one forgotten man who would change the course of politics across the Americas. Sound like the...

Short-term medical missions (STMMs) have been described variously as volunteer missions, internships, global health education and medical brigades, and in the last two decades there has been a surge in them. 
Chemistry professor Xiaoji Xu's new technique could help researchers characterize how the electrical field is distributed around a nanostructure like graphene.
In a new paper, Arman Grigoryan, international relations faculty at Lehigh University, ascribes post-Soviet Armenia’s failure to transition to democracy, despite early promise, to the conflict with Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabagh and the political processes it set in motion .
As the world awaits the next steps after Armenia’s recent pro-democracy revolution—which toppled its authoritarian leader Serzh Sarksyan leading to an upcoming parliamentary election May 1st—it seems an opportune time to ask: why did Armenia fail in its transition to democracy after...
In March of this year, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee signed the Washington Voting Rights Act into law. The state’s Voting Rights Act says that a jurisdiction is in violation of the law “…where there is a significant risk members of a protected class do not have an equal opportunity to elect...
Arnold H. Kritz is remembered as someone who brought out the best in his students and his collaborators.
“Sketchlehem” is a word commonly used by Lehigh students to describe  Bethlehem’ South Side community. It is a combination of the words “sketchy” and “Bethlehem”. There has consistently been turmoil between Lehigh students and the surrounding community. Journalism and Africana studies major Ashley...
For a long time, hybridization—when distinct species mate and produce offspring—was thought to be a mistake. Yet, advancements in genomic testing tools have revealed naturally occurring hybridization as a fairly common phenomenon—with a role in natural selection, in some cases.  
Political historian, journalist, elections analyst and National Review contributor Jay Cost delivered this year’s Tresolini Lecture earlier this month, regaling his audience with an engaging analysis of the early days of the Republic. In a talk titled “James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and the...
Lehigh professors Kashi Johnson and Monica R. Miller have co-curated the HiiiPOWEREd Cypher, a hip hop-based, multi-day “arts and humanities experience” that is being hosted and funded by the Africana Studies Public Humanities Initiatives Program Endowment Fund. It will run from April 12-21.
In December of 2017, the Department of Labor proposed a rollback of an Obama-era federal wage law banning “tip-pooling,” which forces workers to share tips with non-tipped employees and business owners. 
Experimental evolution is a good way to enhance our current understanding of how genomes—or sets of chromosomes in an organism’s cells—evolve and the role of individual mutations in adaptation.
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina delivered the inaugural Peter S. Hagerman ‘61 Lecture in Ethics.
Rickman's paper is the first to come out of Lehigh’s Nano/Human Interface Presidential Engineering Research Initiative, a multidisciplinary research initiative that proposes to develop a human-machine interface to improve the ability of scientists to visualize and interpret the vast amounts of data...
The exploration of Mars and the search for evidence of past water on the red planet will  be addressed when Steven W. Squyres, the James A. Weeks Professor of Physical Sciences at Cornell University and the Principal Investigator for the science payload on the Mars Exploration Rover Project,...
Lehigh undergraduate student Emma Stevenson ’18 was awarded a Libraries Student Research Prize for 2018.  Sponsored by Library and Technology Services (LTS) and the Friends of the Libraries, the Prize recognizes excellence in undergraduate scholarship and the use of library and research resources...
We offer this collection of essays as a tribute to Ben on the occasion of his 65th birthday, which falls on January 19. Ben has been a teacher to us not out of institutional obligation, but out of a genuine interest in younger scholars and a true pedagogical gift. Ben has taught all of us how to...
The Burger lab has recently identified several properties of auditory neurons that appear to “tune” them to their own frequencies along the tonotopy within the brain.

Sound is everywhere and hearing these sounds is critical as we navigate our surroundings. To make sense of sound, a major...

Theoretical psychologist Mark Bickhard has focused considerable energy trying to understand how minds emerge from, and yet remain integrated with, the world of facts.


The history of science is a narrative of how humans view the world around them and the reexamination of our...

Harsh blame can be detrimental to relationships and is the focus of research by Michael Gill.

It happens every day. A husband blames his wife for her perceived shortcomings. Workers blame a supervisor for his office bullying. One social group blames another for the social problems in...
